Friday, March 25, 2011

Change, an Invitation to Life, a New Begining

As I "retire" and leave the parish ministry of the Episcopal Church, I have taken this opportunity to begin a new blog that will focus on the intersection of faith and life and the changes that this interaction always brings about.  I have always believed that with every ending comes a new beginning and an invitation to a new and renewed life.

In this blog I plan to keep abreast of the changes and challenges in our political, economic and religious life and reflect on the meaning of these. I also invite you to follow this blog and share your reflections as well.  It is always in the interaction of people and ideas, of joys and sorrows, of struggle and resolution that hope and new life appear. 

I invite you to join me in this conversation with one another and with all that is around us: visible and invisible, known and unknown as together we learn to live faithfully and think critically.  For those of us who are Christians, Jesus reminds us that he came into the world so that we might have life in all its fullness.  Not a bad gift to all of us.


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