Thursday, June 28, 2018

Why are You Afraid, have you still no Faith

After a hard day of preaching and teaching Jesus takes his disciples away from the crowds to the other side of the lake for some rest and relaxation. On the way a huge storm arises with lots of wind and rain and the disciples fear for their lives. They wake Jesus up, ask him to save them and he rebukes the wind and the sea, ‘peace be still.’ Jesus then questions his closest followers, ‘Why are you afraid?’ Have you still no faith?’ (Mark 4:35-41)

We all face storms in life: some storms are literal and physical, like the storm on the Sea of Galilee, and others are spiritual or mental or relational. Whatever the source of the storm we face, we often believe, as the disciples did, that Jesus has forgotten us. We, like the disciples, need to hear again the words of Jesus: “Why are you afraid, have you still no faith?”

In  April, 2010 a major tornado came through Albertville,  doing tremendous damage and affecting all of us at Christ Church either directly or indirectly by the destruction of our original Church building. It was a numbing blow to our community as those who were here at the time worked to salvage all that they could before tearing down the beloved old structure to begin rebuilding the holy space we now gather in to worship God and from which we leave to serve our community in the name of Jesus Christ. Prayer, teamwork and Christian Community took away our fear and renewed our faith.

In hopes that others will see a way to journey from fear to hope in their lives, I share a personal storm through which fear and depression replaced hope and faith in my life. Several years ago I resigned (before I could be fired) from my job as pastor of a large Episcopal Congregation. Not only was I “too liberal” for the congregation, but I had fired two employees who I still believe needed to be fired, but I did not do it properly, nor did I have the political capital to do so.

I had a severe emotional break down and our assistant Bishop sent me immediately to a psychiatrist the Diocese had on retainer. What does that say about the life of pastors and the church? I saw him during the remainder of my time in that city. The psychiatrist put me on anti-anxiety medication and anti-depressants and I continued to see him weekly until we left the state. I continued my therapy when we moved to Alabama and I have continued the use of appropriate medication. This therapy and medication truly saved my life.

I know many people, for many reasons, are afraid to see a therapist or to use anti-depressants, but I encourage you, out of my experience, to take advantage of mental health care as a gift from God and to treat mental illness and issues as you would any physical disease or condition that can adversely affect your life.

Yes, we all have or will have storms in our lives: tornadoes, hurricanes, accidents, unexpected deaths. There will be divorces and job losses, alienation from family and friends, loss of physical abilities, and even loss of faith. When these things happen we need the faith of Jesus, not the fear of the disciples. Fear leads to death and destruction and faith leads to life. And I am not just referring to individual faith, as important as that is, but to the faith of the church. In the Christian Community, when my faith is weak, your strong faith will carry me. When your faith is weak, my faith will carry you and when all of our faith is weak and fear is creeping in, we find our faith again in the Word and Sacraments of the Church as we come together as the body of Christ in the world.

A secular (or perhaps not so secular) song, You’ll  Never Walk Alone, by Rogers and Hammerstein from the 1945 musical, Carrousel, proclaims faith and hope and life to us all.

"When you walk through a storm Hold your head up high and don't be afraid of the dark.
At the end of the storm is a golden sky and the sweet silver song of a lark.

Walk on through the wind, Walk on through the rain, Tho' your dreams be tossed and blown. 
Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart and you'll never walk alone, you’ll never walk alone."

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