Monday, September 30, 2024

Christ Church Blessings

I have been blessed to spend most of my Sundays over the past ten months at Christ Episcopal Church in Albertville, Alabama. This was definitely not my plan for the past year. As a retired Episcopal Priest and former Rector/Pastor of Christ Church, I enjoy worshiping in this faith community. But I also enjoy spending some Sundays in what I call “Megachurch,” the great outdoors, kayaking and hiking. When our current Rector’s husband had a sever heart attack, spending many months in hospitals and rehabilitation centers, before sadly dying, I knew that my calling was to lead worship at Christ Church as long as necessary. 

My time at Christ Church turned out to be a blessing to me. I was able to preach and teach and worship together with many old friends and to meet the many new people who had come to Christ Church since my retirement. I also got to know more about the amazing ministry to our community that our Rector and the congregation were carrying out in our community. Jesus told his followers that “whatever you do to one of the least of these my brothers or sisters, you did to me. (Matthew 25:40-45) 

And truly the people of Christ Church, new and old, were doing so much in the community it made me proud and joyful. They were feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, caring for orphans and widows, and standing up for those being discriminated against for any reason. 

They feed the hungry once a month through the Beans and Rice ministry, twice a month through the Food Pantry sponsored by Reclaiming our Time. Along with North Broad Street Church of Christ they provide a night out for foster parents by caring for their children once a month so they can spend some adult time together. During the winter months they partner with Iglesia Casa de Fe and Room in the Inn to provide overnight lodging and a hot dinner and breakfast to people with no other place to sleep. 

Christ Church is truly living out the message of the song, “Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world, red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world. 

The people of Christ Church not only believe, but live Jesus’ First and Great Commandment: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and mind and soul and strength; and love your neighbor as you love yourself. 

Now that our Rector, Mother Shari Harrison is back with us, I look forward to her inspiring sermons and being a part of the continued ministry of “loving and serving our Lord and all of God’s children. 

Thank you, Christ Episcopal Church, for blessing me as much as you bless our community. 

Ben Alford, Rector Emeritus, Christ Episcopal Church, Albertville, Alabama

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