Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Five Loaves and Two Fish: The First Church Picnic

Was Jesus a magician or miracle worker, a showman or a savior? The feeding of the five thousand is the only one of Jesus’ miracles recorded in all four Gospels. Today I invite you to reflect with me on John’s version (John 6:1-21) of this powerful and life changing story. Jesus, in the middle of his sermon, and knowing what he planned to do, calls Philip to him and asks where they can buy food for all these hungry folks who have come out to hear the lifesaving words of Jesus. Philip tells Jesus it would take six months wages to feed a crowd this large. Another disciple, Andrew, responds to Jesus with the somewhat ridiculous solution of five loaves and two fish which have been brought by a young boy.

We have heard the story many times. All sit on the grass and eat their fill, and then the disciples pick up twelve basketsfull of leftovers. So, was this magical multiplication or inspired sharing? Yesterday I drove through Albertville on Highway 431 and in the space of a mile counted six fast food restaurants and five eat in restaurants. These did not exist in First Century Israel and Judah. In Jesus’ day, when people traveled they usually took food with them to sustain them on their journey, just as the young boy in the Gospel. I suspect that he was not the only one of the five thousand who prepared for the journey ahead of time. I certainly believe in a Creator and creative God, but what if the real miracle, the message Jesus was really trying to communicate, was the gift of sharing, that everyone gave of what they had, and that all were blessed and fed.

When I lived in New Orleans in the late 1990’s there were downtown feeding ministries every day of the week except Friday. The Episcopal Churches of the city and suburbs joined together to provide food for the homeless on Fridays. The ministry was called, that’s right, “Loaves and Fishes.” It succeeded because of sharing, the miracle of sharing. Each congregation took what it had, put it all together, prayed over it and there was always enough to feed everyone. As Christians, we believe that the Lord feeds us, that God answers all our needs and that we help the Lord meet the needs of others.

We learn from Jesus’ life and ministry that God desires for us a life, not of scarcity but abundance. Out of our abundance we in the affluent nations of the world are called to provide for the impoverished people of the earth, both at home and elsewhere. We are also called by God to preserve the land and waters of our planet so that the Earth too will be a place of abundance and peace for all of God’s people.

Are we to provide food? Yes, but we are also called to provide training, skills and resources that will prepare people to provide for themselves as well as others. Can we heal every person? Can we fix every human problem? Can your church and my church do all that needs to be done? No, but each person we feed or train or empower will change many others.

Five loaves, two fish, Change the World!

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